Learning how to get better at speaking and performing is terrific! But does it reduce your fear of the stage? The answer is yes and NO.
Your confidence may be boosted by having great wisdom of vocabulary, being knowledgeable about specific speech topics, or looking fabulous; however, these factors alone are not enough. All of one's unfavourable judgments, assumptions, notions, and even expectations must be addressed. This would be quite helpful in exposing one's insecurities and vulnerabilities as well as in encouraging self-reflection. Being willing to unveil the cloth that has been keeping you from reality will aid you in empowering yourself and help you comfortably express yourself in front of others.
Kids can and should always be transparent with their parents. They should share their concerns with parents. If kids continuously ignore their unsettling feelings, they might end up piling up and breeding the fear of sharing. Kids, with the help of parents, should eliminate the scary thoughts that linger around – contributing to self-doubt and lack of confidence.
To ensure one is calm and reassured with themselves, one can exercise, eat well and eat healthily, entertain with relaxing activities, and manifest themselves with other healthy lifestyle habits. Smiling is also a good habit one could exercise. When we smile, we aren’t only greeting people but also we make connections.
Finally, to maintain your composure, stand or sit self-assuredly, open your eyes and make eye contact. Be yourself and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always remember, we’re not trying to be perfect but we’re trying to be better.